Heyloo;) So this is my promised blog :P about vaseline.. so some of you may know about the brilliance of it and think whats new!? But some of you might not. this is where i come in! Vaseline is obviously for your lips but it has so many uses! I had the inspiration for this post because there is snow at my house right now and skin can get so dry and everything in the snow, so here goes!

2. Put a coat on your eyelashes before you go to bed, this makes them that little bit thicker if you do it a couple of nights a week(Tried&Tested!).
3. Put vaseline on your elbows it makes that little rough patch softer!
4. For softer cuticles, put a little bit of vaseline on them :)
5. If you take a chunk of your original vaseline and mix it with strawberry (or any kind of flavouring!) to make lipgloss ;D
6. Put a little at your pulse points and spritz on your perfume to make it last and last.
7. The pinkish one can be used on your cheeks as a VERY last minute tint
8. Put a slick on your eyebrows to tame them down
9. If you get a ring stuck on your finger-DONT panic. Put your finger in cold water and put on the vaseline.
10. Put a little bit of eyeshadow on a saucer along with a little bit of vaseline to make a liquidy/gellish eyeshadow-EXPERIMENT!
11. Apparently if you spread a little over your belly every so often when your pregnant you are likely not to have stretch marks!
12. Use it CAREFULLY as an eyemakeup remover:)
13. Put a little under your eyes to reflect light and make your eyes look less dull
14. Put a layer of vaseline on the spots your likely to get blisters on when wearing heels and it shouldnt leave you blisters
15. Put a little on your knuckles if its your last minute choice and they're dry.
16. If you squeeze a spot and it bleeds,put a bit over the bleeding and it should stop bleeding quicker
17. Put a little over your earlobes and it should help inserting+removing earrings :)
18. Next time you have a cold and you have that red flakiness at the bottom of your nose, apply some vaseline and it should make it a little smoother:)
19. After shaving, put a bit on your legs so your legs dont go all dry.
20. Use a bit of vaseline to shave instead of water, your razor should glide.
So i hope you enjoyed my 20 tips of how to use vaseline! Most of these i have tried and they work like a wee treat but why dont you let me know what you think? Follow me its just the little thing to the Right -->
Vaseline costs £1 or £2 and there is so much to do with it! So why dont you try them? TaRa!
LetsGetBeautiful <3
You have a great blog , i liked the vaseline article , (that helped me alot) :) I would love it if you would take a peek at mine and leave a comment , Im pretty new to it too . :-) xxx